Henley Reid

Our purpose is built around enabling you to drive your business upwards – ensuring you build, retain and grow your legal teams quickly and effectively.

Without the best people and correct resourcing levels, you’re unable to provide the level of advice your team and firm prides itself on. Culture and effectiveness is likely to be suffer, leading to further pressures on your existing team.

We identify the right legal professionals for your team through our vast understanding of your needs, extensive network, strategic methodology and transparent assessment. Our consultants have decades of legal experience, both as practicing lawyers and recruitment consultants. This means we only put forward legal professionals of the right calibre, aptitude and cultural fit from the extensive network we’ve spent years nurturing.

Our strategic recruitment methodology has been honed meticulously to enable us to meet your brief effectively. Furthermore, we offer transparent assessments and advice on your current team structure and recruitment requirements, so you can adapt your approach as needed and within the restrictions of the current legal sector.